
My name is Erin Murphy and I am a sophomore studying public relations at the University of Florida. I love Italian food more than anything and I thought I would share my love for the cuisine with the word.

I think that it is safe to say I eat Italian food at least three times a week. I am mostly a pasta kind of girl, but I love to occasionally indulge in some giant slices of pizza.

Gainesville is a great college town. One of the best things about it is the variety of food options it offers. Although I would love to write about every food place in Gainesville, I decided that a blog about Italian food would be equally as thrilling.

As college students we are all strapped for cash and anything with the words “free” or “on sale” will always catch our eyes. So in addition to writing about Italian food, I will be including less expensive places to eat.

So learn how to eat Italian in Gainesville, on a budget.

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